No frills

About movie

No frills

About movie

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Bottom left section of the left image
First small section of the large image
Long section of the large image
Bottom right section of the large image
First small section of the large image


It is a one-hour documentary film based on the video diaries of Magda Atkins- the film’s main character- narrating her extraordinary journey through life with breast cancer.

Three people hugging each other against the backdrop of a historic palace.

”How can I help other women with breast cancer?”

In September 2022, a doctor detected changes during an ultrasound examination of her breast. An additional series of tests confirmed that it was cancer.

Right after hearing the diagnosis, Magda, overwhelmed with a range of emotions and unable to talk to anyone, began keeping a video diary. She had been capturing her experiences living with the disease, her daily challenges and difficult struggles, spontaneous insights and thoughts that have arisen during treatment.

Two women in glasses, wearing masks, looking to the left.

When the first shock passed, she asked herself, “How can I help other women with breast cancer?“. She decided to tell her story honestly without glossing over the many difficulties. Magda hoped that sharing her experience and struggle with the disease would help other women facing the challenge of surviving cancer. Her decision resulted in a moving and inspiring film.

It is the story of a woman who decided to live and took up the challenge of fighting the disease. It is also a story that makes one think not only about a disease. The film reflects the importance of the universal values like authentic relationships, friendship and love.

No Frills

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  • Only 14,99 zł per viewing

  • 24 hours to watch the movie

  • FULL HD quality

  • Immersive experience

  • Support independent artists

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