Independent film gallery

Ewa Ewart

Our Movies

  • A frame from the movie No Frills

    No Frills

    It is a one-hour documentary film based on the video diaries of Magda Atkins- the film's main character- narrating her extraordinary journey through life with breast cancer. In September 2022, a doctor detected changes during an ultrasound examination of her breast. An additional series of tests confirmed that it was cancer. Right after hearing the diagnosis, Magda, overwhelmed with a range of emotions and unable to talk to anyone, began keeping a video diary.

  • A frame from the movie To the Last Drop

    Until the Last Drop

    It is a film about rivers and people, their relationship and interconnectedness. The documentary exposes the global cost and consequences of the destruction of nature "in the name of progress". Rivers have been especially badly hit. The film is shot on location in Canada, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Albania, and Poland. It conveys a strong message about one of the greatest threats to human civilisation: the growing freshwater crisis.

  • A frame from the movie The Curse of Abundance

    The Curse of Abundance

    The film poses two key questions that have become even more relevant today than ever before. Should we leave the oil in the ground? And what are the risks, considering the ecological consequences of continuing to extract oil, if we reject a radical change in our approach to its exploitation worldwide?

Ewa Ewart portrait Wiesław Łysakowski portrait

About us

Independent Film Gallery is an initiative aimed at promoting a broad range of film and television productions that have not found their place in the market. We want to create a space for all productions outside the mainstream, which may have had only one screening in cinemas or one broadcast on television, but for many reasons deserve to be known.

In our "Off-Gallery", there will be a place for various genres and forms of films, from documentaries, reportages, short and medium-length films, experimental films to feature-length narrative productions. This is what we are aiming for.

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Ewa Ewart